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Current Autologous Fat Graft Applications Of Cryopreserved Adipose: A Review Of Clinical Studies

Andreea Gavrilescu, BA Lauren Kokai, PhD J. Peter Rubin, MD
University of Washington School of Medicine

Presenter: Andreea Gavrilescu

This work was a collaboration of above authors.

Director Name: Vu Nguyen, MD

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Autologous fat grafting (AFG) has diverse applications in Plastic Surgery, including volume correction and scar rejuvenation. Retention rates vary, often necessitating repeat injections. Cryopreservation expedites re-injections and mitigates repeat harvesting, potentially lowering complication rates and improving patient satisfaction. This study aims to review the state-of-the-art in clinical AFG cryopreservation.

All clinical studies using cryopreserved AFG from PubMed and WebOfScience databases were reviewed, excluding case studies where the author did not perform the procedure and in vitro or animal studies. Cooling and storage temperature, use of cryoprotectant, area treated, results, and complications were highlighted.

Ten studies met these criteria. Four used a cryoprotectant (CP) and cooled adipose samples via a controlled rate freezer (CRF) at -1°C/min. Cryoprotectants included dimethyl sulfoxide and industry-produced cryoprotectants for enhanced cell viability. Long-term storage temperatures ranged from -20°C to -196°C. All studies reported that AFG retention, histology, and aesthetic results for fresh and cryopreserved fat were equivalent, with no severe complications.

Using cryopreserved adipose for AFG is a highly appealing strategy to reduce multiple fat harvests for repeat AFG procedures, improving procedure safety, reducing costs, and increasing the number of potential patients willing to accept procedure risks. Analysis of the current state-of-the-art clinical use of cryopreserved adipose from published literature suggests that AFG outcomes with cryofat are equivalent to fresh fat outcomes while offering convenience and future regenerative advantages.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference