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A "smart" Sensing Cannula For Gluteal Fat Grafting

David Turer, MD, MS; Ehsan Qaium, MS; April Lawrence, BS; William Clark, PhD; J. Peter Rubin, MD
University of Pittsburgh

Presenter: David Turer

This device was invented and developed by David and his team, he was involved in all aspects of its creation.

Director Name: Vu Nguyen

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Aesthetics

Introduction: A significant safety issue in plastic surgery is the risk of morbidity and mortality associated with gluteal fat grafting. The multi-society ASERF taskforce has issued a statement that all gluteal fat grafting procedures should be performed in the subcutaneous plane only. Our device measures tissue bioimpedance and provides the surgeon the tissue type (fat or muscle) in which the cannula tip is located at all times during the procedure. Methods: Prototype devices were constructed by adapting standard liposuction cannulas with electrodes located on an insulated sheath. Sensing circuitry was designed to be able to differentiate between tissue types using electrical impedance. Testing was performed in an ex vivo porcine model. The device was then tested by performing simulated fat grafting procedures in fresh cadavers. Device tip location was confirmed using ultrasound. Results: The sensing cannula was able to differentiate between fat and muscle with 100% accuracy in the ex vivo porcine model. The cannula was able to differentiate between fat and muscle with sub-centimeter accuracy in the cadaver model and this was confirmed using ultrasound. Response from the device is instantaneous and provides an audible and visual alert to the surgeon. Conclusion: The "smart" sensing cannula will provide surgeons with instantaneous feedback as to which tissue type the cannula tip is located in. This may improve the safety of gluteal fat grafting procedures.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference